A16z Blocks Uniswap From Going to BNB Chain

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A16z Blocks Uniswap From Going to BNB Chain

American venture capital giant Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) has voted against deploying the latest Uniswap version (V3) on BNB Chain (formerly Binance Smart Chain), saying the proposed cross-chain bridge doesn’t offer “the most secure or decentralized bridging option.”

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In a forum post, Porter Smith, a deal partner at a16z crypto, emphasized that the Wormhole bridge — which was selected for Uniswap’s deployment on BNB Chain — suffered a $326 million exploit last year. Moreover, the bridge also had another vulnerability that put $1.8 billion total value locked on it at risk.

“Additionally, the Uniswap DAO will not have the ability to run and control the bridge independently if Wormhole is selected as the provider. We believe this is an equally important factor to consider,” Smith added.

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Eddie Lazzarin, Head of Engineering at a16z crypto, wrote that the firm “would have voted 15 million tokens toward LayerZero if we were technically able to.”

As of press time, a total of 64% (including a16z) voted against the proposal, while 36% voted in favor. According to the vote details, the venture firm put 15 million UNI to block the proposal.

OxPlasma Labs submitted the proposal to deploy Uniswap V3 to BNB Chain on behalf of the Uniswap Community in early February. The firm picked Wormhole, referring to its “rigorous internal auditing standards.”

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Источник: ru.ihodl.com

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